18.07. Camping Moulin De Collonge – Moulins – Clermont-Ferrand

Põhimõttelisel olemegi jõudnud oma reisi sihtpunkti – linna nimega Clermont-Ferrand. Siia plaanime jääda mitmeks päevaks, et siinse ümbruskonnaga tutvuda. Tänased muljed selles kohast piirduvad orienteerumisega meie majutuskoha ümber, et (1) leida see üles, (2) leida parkimiskoht tsiklile, (3) leida pood, et osta süüa. Pikemalt kirjutame selles linnast juba edaspidi.

Essentially, we have arrived at our travel destination – a city called Clermont-Ferrand. We plan to stay here for several days to explore the surrounding area. Today’s impressions of this place are limited to getting oriented around our accommodation in order to (1) find it, (2) find a parking spot for the motorcycle, and (3) find a store to buy food. We will write more about this city later on.

Moulins on Allieri jõe ääres | Moulins is on river Allier
Moulins on Allieri jõe ääres | Moulins is on river Allier

Tänased põhilised muljed on pärit hoopis linnast nimega Moulins. Sattusime sinna täiesti juhuslikult. Kuna tänane teekond oli üsna lühike, vaid umbes 250 kilomeetrit, siis esialgu me suuremat peatust ei planeerinud. Plaanis oli teha lihtsalt paus poolel maal teeäärses tanklas. Selle pausi ajal aga leidsime, et meie majususse saame sisse alles alates kella 17st. Et aega parajaks teha otsisime, mida ümbruskonnas vaadata. Silma jäi 8 km kaugusel asuv kostüümide näitus ja asusimegi sinna teele.

Today’s main impressions are from a town called Moulins. We ended up there completely by chance. Since today’s journey was quite short, only about 250 kilometers, we didn’t initially plan for a major stop. The plan was to simply take a break at a roadside gas station halfway. During this break, however, we found out that we could only check into our accommodation after 5 PM. To pass the time, we looked for something to see in the surrounding area. We noticed a costume exhibition located 8 km away, so we decided to head there.

Muuseum asus ajaloolises hoones | Museum was located in historic building
Muuseum asus ajaloolises hoones | Museum was located in historic building

Muuseum asus ajaloolises hoones, mis on pärit Louis XV valitsemisajast. Kunagi asus selles hoones ratsaväe kasarm. Muuseum avati siin 2006 aastal. Muljet avaldavad on puud, mis muuseumi ümbritsevad, kuna need on kujundatud väga huvitavalt. Muuseumi esisel platsil õitsesid aga magnooliad.

The museum was located in a historical building dating back to the reign of Louis XV. This building once housed a cavalry barracks. The museum was opened here in 2006. The trees surrounding the museum are impressive, as they are designed in a very interesting way. Magnolias were blooming in the square in front of the museum.

Puud on lõigatud nagu hoone | Trees are cut like a building
Puud on lõigatud nagu hoone | Trees are cut like a building
Magnolia õied | Magnolia flowers
Magnolia õied | Magnolia flowers

Muuseumis oli väljas kaks ekspositsiooni. Rudolf Nureyev’i poolt muuseumile annetatud kollektsioon. See sisaldas nii tema lavakostüüme kui ka isiklikke esemeid. Teine oli Philippe Decouflé kostüümide väljapanek. Ma ei pea ennast eriliseks balleti asjatundjaks, seega oli väljapanek väga huvitav.

Nureyevi kohta võib rohkem infot leida Wikipediast. Siin on aga mõned faktid, mis mulle meelde jäid. (1) Nureyev sündis rongis Irkutski lähedal, kui tema ema oli teel oma mehe juurde Vladivostokki, (2) Tema vanemad oli moslemid, (3) Ta põgenes NSVLst 1961 aastal, (4) Kuigi ta oli superstaar, kelle sõpruskonda kuulusid Mick Jagger, Liza Minelli, Andy Warhol ja palud teised kuulsused, meeldis talle üksindus, (5) Enamuses klassikalistes ballettides olid põhifookuses naiste osad, seega tegi Nureyev meeste osad ümber, et neid rohkem esile tõsta. (6) Enne oma surma 1993 aastal tegi ta eduka debüüdi dirigendina.

The museum featured two exhibitions. One was a collection donated to the museum by Rudolf Nureyev. It included both his stage costumes and personal items. The other was a display of costumes by Philippe Decouflé. I don’t consider myself a particular expert on ballet, so the exhibition was very interesting.

You can find more information about Nureyev on Wikipedia. Here are some facts that stood out to me: (1) Nureyev was born on a train near Irkutsk while his mother was on her way to join her husband in Vladivostok, (2) His parents were Muslims, (3) He defected from the USSR in 1961, (4) Although he was a superstar with friends like Mick Jagger, Liza Minnelli, Andy Warhol, and many other celebrities, he enjoyed solitude, (5) In most classical ballets, the main focus was on the female roles, so Nureyev reworked the male roles to highlight them more, (6) Before his death in 1993, he made a successful debut as a conductor.

Rudolf Nureyev
Rudolf Nureyev
Nureyevi kostüümid | Nureyev's costumes
Nureyevi kostüümid | Nureyev’s costumes

Tänase postituse lõpetan Pransusmaa lehmadega, kes on saanud modelliks kunstnikele.

I will conclude today’s post with the cows of France, who have become models for artists.

Lehmade kunst | Cow art
Lehmade kunst | Cow art

Meie tänane teekond. Our yourney today.

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