Täna võtsime rattavaba päeva ja transformeerusime tõelisteks turistideks. Elame 4 päeva ~100 tuhanfe elanikuga linnakeses Clermont-Ferrand‘is.
Majutuseks broneerisin väikese stuudio-apartmendi. Broneerides ju täpselt aru ei saanud, kus see täpselt asub jne, aga kohale jõudes selgus, et oleme täpselt vanalinna keskel, korter ise on lausa nn penthouse, katusealune on korteriks välja ehitatud ja kõik vajalik olemas: pesumasin, föön, triikraud, no mida veel oskaks tahta 🙂
Today we took a bike-free day and transformed into real tourists. We are staying for 4 days in a small city with about 100,000 inhabitants called Clermont-Ferrand.
For accommodation, I booked a small studio apartment. When booking, I didn’t fully understand where it was exactly located, but upon arrival, it turned out that we are right in the middle of the old town. The apartment itself is a sort of penthouse, the attic has been converted into an apartment, and everything we need is here: washing machine, hairdryer, iron, what more could one want 🙂
Pisut siis tänase päeva tähelepanekutest:
Siin linnas on sündinud Blaise Pascal, maailmakuulus multitalent, matemaatik, füüsik, filosoof ja palju muud. Ta suri suhteliselt noorelt, 39 aastasena. Elu teise pooles oli ta pühendunud jumala teenimisele ning tema lähenemine elule oli, et kristlaste elu peabki kannatustest koosnema, vot siis nii…
Turismindusega tegelemiseks palusime AI-l meile linna olulisematest vaatamisväärsustest marsruut kokku panna. Sai päris hästi hakkama, käisime kõik läbi, mida ta pakkus ja mis siia lähedusse jäi.
Selle linna kaks suuremat vaatamisväärsust on kaks suurt ja võimsat kirikut: Basiilika ning Notre-Dame Rooma-Katoliku kirik. Viimase eripäraks on see, et ehituseks kasutati laavakive, mis annab kirikule omapärase tumeda tooni ning eristab teda teistest hoonetest. Kiriku renoveerimisel ning juurdeehituse tegemisel tuli paraku lammutada Pascali sünnikodu. Mõlema kiriku aknaid ja seinu kaunistavad imeilusad vitraazid.
A few observations from today:
Blaise Pascal, the world-famous polymath, mathematician, physicist, philosopher, and much more, was born in this city. He died relatively young, at the age of 39. In the second half of his life, he was dedicated to serving God, and his approach to life was that the life of Christians must consist of suffering, just like that…
To engage in tourism, we asked AI to put together a route for us covering the city’s main attractions. It did quite well, we visited everything it suggested and which was close by.
The two main attractions of this city are two large and impressive churches: the Basilica and the Notre-Dame Roman Catholic Church. The distinctive feature of the latter is that it was built using lava stones, which gives the church a unique dark tone and sets it apart from other buildings. Unfortunately, Pascal’s birthplace had to be demolished during the church’s renovation and expansion. The windows and walls of both churches are adorned with beautiful stained glass.
Edasi viis meid AI koostatud plaan Arheoloogia ja tekstiili muuseumisse. Nagu te aru saate, siis siin on jätkuvalt väga soe ja kirikud ja muuseumid on ju teadupärast jahedad, meile selline plaan sobis hästi 🙂
Next, the AI-generated plan took us to the Archaeology and Textile Museum. As you can understand, it is still very warm here, and churches and museums are known to be cool, so this plan suited us well 🙂

Kui turismindusega asjad ühel pool, siis õhtuseks tegevuseks valisime kinoskäigu 🙂 Ma küll väga lootsin, et film on siiski inglisekeelne, aga Teet mattis selle mõtte kohe maha, sellises suurriigis kindlasti on filmid pealeloetud tekstidega, nii paraku ka oli, aga mr. Google oli pisut abiks ka siin 🙂
Ja kinno jõudmiseks kasutasime ühistransporti, sõitsime trammiga. Trammid on siin üherööpalised ja huvitav oli see, et lisaks peatuste nimedele oli iga peatus tähistatud ka erineva looma- või linnuga, alustades elevantidest ja lõpetades sipelgaga. Meie kinopeatus oli nt mesilase peatuses 🙂
Once we were done with our tourism activities, we chose to go to the cinema for the evening 🙂 I was really hoping the film would be in English, but Teet immediately dismissed that idea, saying that in such a major country, films are definitely dubbed, and unfortunately, he was right. However, Mr. Google was somewhat helpful here too 🙂
To get to the cinema, we used public transport and took the tram. The trams here are single-rail, and interestingly, besides the names of the stops, each stop was also marked with a different animal or bird, ranging from elephants to ants. For example, our cinema stop was the bee stop 🙂

Homne plaan viib meid motikaga kunagisi vulkaanikraatreid vaatama. Arvatavasti alustame päeva ~kell 5, et sealsed matkamised veel hommikujaheduses ära teha.
Tomorrow’s plan will take us on the motorcycle to see ancient volcanic craters. We’ll probably start the day around 5 AM to complete the hikes in the morning coolness.