Siin ongi lubatud pilt meie öömajast. See pole küll päris see hoone, kus meie magasime. See tuleb järgmisel pildid ja ei näe enam nii uhke välja.
Ööbisin siin ka eelmisel aastal, seega oli koht tuttav. Tegemist on ühe kohaliku varaka mehe villaga, milla ta annetas kohalikule koolile. Hetkel asub siin midagi rahvaülikooli taolist ja kooli perioodil majutatakse siin põhiliselt õppijaid.
Meie teekond viis ilma vahejutumiteta läbi Rootsi. Iga kord siin sõites naudin Rootsi loodust – kaljusid ja metsasid.
Here is a promised picture of our lodging. It is not exactly the building where we slept. That will be in the next picture and does not look as grand anymore.
I stayed here last year as well, so the place was familiar. It is a villa belonging to a local wealthy man, which he donated to the local school. Currently, it houses something like a community college, and during the school period, it mainly accommodates students.
Our journey took us through Sweden without any incidents. Every time I drive here, I enjoy the Swedish nature – the lakes and forests.

Sadamasse jõudsime paar tundi enne praami väljumist nii, et oli veidi aega murul pikutada ja ilusat ilma nautida. Laeval tähistasime reisi viimast õhtut klaasikese šampusega.
We arrived at the port a couple of hours before the ferry departure, so we had a bit of time to lie on the grass and enjoy the beautiful weather. On the ship, we celebrated the last evening of the trip with a glass of champagne.

Meie tänane teekond | Our journey today